Tina Donovan - Dare To Be Happy
4 min readJan 8, 2021


Grow Your Business

Grow Your Business Part 7


Now that you know why improvement offers don’t work. Here are a few reasons why new opportunities DO work.

  1. NEW DISCOVERY- When people discover your new opportunity for the first time, they’re going to want to share it because sharing something new gives them an immediate increase in status. Take a moment to think about YouTube or Facebook videos that go viral. What’s happening behind the scenes? Videos go viral when they are cool and new because others want to be the first to show them to their friends.
  2. NO PAIN OF DISCONNECT- Because they don’t have to admit they made a bad decisions in the past, there is no longer a huge pain of disconnect from what they are currently doing. They can just move on to something brand new. No pain of disconnect=no decrease in status. Improvement offers sell THROUGH the pain, where new opportunities sell AWAY from the pain.

3. DREAM REPLACEMENT- One reason many people struggle to make the changes they want and need in their lives is the fear of failure. If they try to change and it doesn’t work for them, then their dreams are dead. So they will give up potential success for fear of losing their dreams. We know that “without a vision, the people perish”. When you make a new opportunity, you’re giving them a new dream to move towards.

4. GREENER PASTURES- We’ve all heard a million times that “the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.” You need to stop trying to convince people that their grass is green or offering to fix their grass, allow them to follow you to the other side of the fence. That’s where they want to be anyway. You need to stop trying to make existing things that aren’t working better, and focus on fresh, exciting, NEW ideas that will inspire people to buy from you or follow what you are doing.

The goal here is to get you to start to appreciate how important it is to create a mass movement for you business. If you have a charismatic leader, a future based cause, and a new opportunity, you have the perfect environment for REAL change. Once you have the environment, you can get people to follow you and pay you so you can move them forward and change their lives for the better.

What I have noticed is that people get STUCK here. HOW do you actually create the new opportunity? And if you are already selling something else, how so you reposition it to become that new opportunity for your movement/business?


We all know that there are a lot of ways to structure improvement offers, there are only two ways to position a new opportunity, either as an Opportunity Switch or an Opportunity Stack.

OPPORTUNITY SWITCHING-Each of our prospects has a desire for some result, and they have been trying to get that result through some vehicle. Your opportunity switch is to take them out of the vehicle they’re currently using and put them into a new one. Opportunity switching takes people out of the pain they’re currently in and gives them hope for a new future through a new vehicle.

Be aware that there are times when opportunity switch happens when they are moving from one niche to the new one that you created back at the beginning of this series.

Other time it’s actually switching them from one submarket to another. It matters les what product or service they are buying; it’s more important to understand that they are leaving behind whatever old beliefs, hope and faith into this new opportunity.

OPPORTUNIY STACKING- After someone had made the switch into your new opportunity, then all future sales to that prospect are typically an opportunity stack, not an improvement offer. You don’t want to switch your prospects from opportunity to opportunity because it will cause confusion and break trust. But you can offer them an opportunity stack within the new opportunity that they have just joined.

Your goal is to help people see this new opportunity is the best thing for them and when you do that people will start to buy what ever you are selling. And if you do this correctly these people will keep buying from you time and time again.

Now after they have decided to make that opportunity switch, then you will look for the other new opportunities within this opportunity that you can offer your clients that will likely make them buy something else that you are selling.

I want to point out that an offer can be positioned as BOTH an opportunity switch and a stack. It all depends on where a prospect enters your world. Some people never hear about one part of what you are selling, but they do find out about another part. When this happens than the offer becomes the opportunity switch.

Now that you know why your offer needs to be a new opportunity, next we are going to dive into how you can create that offer correctly from the ground up.

If you want to work with me and my team to grow your business you can contact me below. Just click on one of the links.

Email: tinadonovan@secretwealthcreators.com

Let’s Talk link — https://secretwealthcreators.as.me/
Link — https://bit.ly/FaceBookSecretWealthCreatorGroup
Instagram — https://bit.ly/instagramsecretwealthcreators

Also subscribe so you don’t miss the next step in this series on how to grow your business. Also feel free to share what you have read with others if it will help them to create the business of their dreams.



Tina Donovan - Dare To Be Happy

Dare To Be Happy is about learning how to live your life filled with nothing but pure love and happiness. You will learn step and a life style of living happy.