Tina Donovan - Dare To Be Happy
4 min readJan 11, 2021
Do Self-Help Books Really Work?

Project Do Self- Help Books Really Work? Day 12 Evening

The book for this project is called: My Cause Miracles By: Gabrielle Bernstein

This is a 40-Day Guidebook Of Subtle Shifts For Radical Change And Unlimited Happiness.


Now that you’re settling back in from your day, take time to reflect on the power of your affirmation. Answering the following questions will help you internalize the work. It can be powerful to reflect on your inner journey so that you can witness your growth. Remember that the true change occurs in the subtle shifts- therefore, highlight and honor even the simplest change.

Answer the following questions in your journal:

  1. How did it feel to see your fearful thoughts as separate from you?
  2. What kind of relief did you experience from practicing your affirmation?
  3. Did your affirmation stop you from acting out with self-destructive behavior?
  4. Are you committed to practicing this self-forgiveness affirmation all the time?

Looking closely at today’s practice helps you center into the progression of the work. It is important to reflect on your journey. The shifts occur naturally, and shining light on them allows you to celebrate your change. Remember always to look at your practice from a loving perspective. The ego will want to sabotage your hard work and find fault in everything. Be mindful of this and remain the nonjudgmental witness of your powerful transformation.

To complete this exercise, let’s close the day with a prayer. Sit comfortably in your meditation space and recite the following prayer out loud.

Divine guidance that surrounds me. I welcome your support. I recognize where my mind has gone wrong and I can see how unforgiving I have been. I see my part in creating this pattern of self-destruction and I welcome spirit to step in. I am willing to see love instead of this. Thank you for your guidance in my self-forgiveness practice. I will listen to my intuition, show up for my spiritual assignments, and do all that is necessary to love myself again. Show me what you got.


  1. How did it feel to see your fearful thoughts as separate from you?

A- Today was a funny day. To answer this question I need to tell you about going to see a friend of mine today. We talked about some things that were happening in my life and these things are life changing decisions that I have to make. But as I was talking to her and I had made some decision I felt a feeling of relief. This I think happened because I was not allowing fear to make my decision for me I was making them from a place of love. I was not worried about what was going to happen once the decision was made I was willing to allow the universe to take care of me. So because I looked outside my fear the answers did come and I was at peace with them.

2. What kind of relief did you experience from practicing your affirmation?

A- The relief that I felt from the affirmation today was a feeling of inner peace. My friend even said to me that I looked happier than when she last say me. She told me that she could see a difference in me.

3. Did your affirmation stop you from acting out with self-destructive behavior?

A- I would have to say yes that the affirmation helped to stop me from acting out with any type of self-destructive behavior because I was in a state of peace I could act in a way that was more positive, which allowed me to make decisions and feel great about them.

4. Are you committed to practicing this self-forgiveness affirmation all the time?

A- I would have to say yes, that I have committed to practicing this self-forgiveness affirmation all the time because I think most of my decisions did come from a place of fear and once that fear was gone I come from a place of love. I also think that we have to forgive ourselves for the past things we have done because we did not know a different way to think and react to things when we were coming from a place of fear.

After I did the prayer I sat for a moment to let the words enter into my body and soul. I had a feeling of peace and love. I felt like someone was wrapping a warm blanket around me.

Lets see what Day 13 Brings. I am loving this so far.

Email: Tinadonvoan@secretwealthcreators.com

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Tina Donovan - Dare To Be Happy
Tina Donovan - Dare To Be Happy

Written by Tina Donovan - Dare To Be Happy

Dare To Be Happy is about learning how to live your life filled with nothing but pure love and happiness. You will learn step and a life style of living happy.

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