Project Do Self- Help Books Really Work? Evening Day 13
The book for this project is called: My Cause Miracles By: Gabrielle Bernstein
This is a 40-Day Guidebook Of Subtle Shifts For Radical Change And Unlimited Happiness.
As you settle in from your day, take a five-minute self-reflection break. Go into your meditation space and read the following prayer. This exercise is awesome because it allows you to release the forgiveness process to the care of your inner guide. The F word can be tough to comprehend at times — especially when it comes to self-forgiveness. So for today, simply turn your desire to forgive over to spirit and let your-ing do her thing.
Inner Guide, I welcome your support. I have made the commitment to forgive myself and I am ready to release the chains that fear has placed upon me. I know forgiveness will set me free. I turn this desire over to you and I accept that you will show me where to go, what to do, and what to say. I know you will lead me to the perfect assignment's and lessons so that I can deepen me self-love and release my fear. Thank you for guiding me to forgive myself.
To close the day, let’s rock out with an F word meditation that is geared towards forgiving yourself. Prepare to do some-ing writing immediately following the meditation. This process is likely to make you want to unload in your journal and let go of some old self-resentments. Stay open to the process and allow my meditation to guide you. You can read the meditation here.
- Sit comfortably in your meditation space.
- Gently pull your shoulders back and keep your palms facing upward.
- Take a deep breath in through your nose and exhale out your mouth.
- Continue this cycle of breath, begin to envision yourself as an innocent child.
- Allow your mind’s eye to bring forth your childhood image.
- Try not to interfere with this image.
- Allow your subconscious mind to guide you to see your innocents child self.
- As you continue breathing in your nose and out your mouth, let your mind wonder.
- Hold the image of your innocent child playing, laughing, and enjoying life.
- Do your best to reconnect to this time.
- As you deepen this vision of your child self, begin to breathe in and out the following affirmations.
- Breathe in: I am innocent.
- Breathe out: I am love
- Breathe in: I am not wrong.
- Breathe out: I have not sinned.
- Breathe in: I am guiltless.
- Breathe out: I am whole.
- Breath in: I am good enough.
- Breathe out: I am love.
- Continue this mantras for as long as you wish.
When you’re ready, pick up your notebook and begin -ing writing. let your subconscious thoughts flow onto the page. Don’t edit a word-just let them flow. When you’re finished with your -ing write, cozy up in bed or spend some quite time alone. If you don’t live alone, you can be mindful to create quiet space. When I first moved in with my finance, I have to find ways to create private space for my practice. Sometimes I’d meditate in the bath to get the sacred time alone. Do what you can to create this space and trust that your shift in energy will greatly benefit everyone in your home (even your pets). Let this powerful work set in. Don’t turn on the TV or engage in any deep conversations. Trust that this process is deep and is opening you up to spiritual shifts. Be still.
Result Day 13
Here is what came to my mind once the meditation was done.
I am loved. I am doing what I am suppose to be doing with my life. I have no fear of what is going to happen as I know that the universe and my guides will show me the way. I am at peace with my past, present and future. Fear is no longer something that I will be part of my life anymore. I will only give and receive love and if it is not love than it will not effect me or enter into my world.
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