The Thirty-One Major Causes of Unhappiness — Reason #2
#2 Lack of a Well -Defined Purpose in Life — There is no hope of happiness for a person who does not have central purpose, or definite goal at which to aim. Ninety-eight out of every hundred of those whom was analyzed had no such aim. Perhaps this was the major cause of their unhappiness.
As human we all need to have a purpose to get out of bed in the morning. We need a reason to be alive. I know from personal experience that when we have no reason to get up, we tend to fall into a depression. Personal I find that I am happy when I have a plan to achieve something.
Reaching the goal is not what makes me happy but the journey that led me to the end result. I enjoy all the new discovers that I find while on the path of reaching what ever goal, I set for myself. My happiness doesn’t come from Achieving or gaining something but for me its like a child on Christmas that excitement and the pure joy they hold knowing that Santa had came.
When we have a passion for something and we set out and follow a plan to achieve a goal that we set towards our passion not only do we discover something new about ourselves but we also light up our soul and that will change your life.
If you want to be truly happy set a goal, chance that goal and enjoy the path that you are on to reach that goal because when you do that you will find a happiness like none other.
On the other hand, set no goal, have no passion and live your life just getting by in a state of having happiness come and go in your life. Have a life where love and happiness are something that you are always chasing after.
For me I like living in a state of pure love and happiness. The goals that I set help to keep me in that state. My advice to you is to set a goal towards something you love and enjoy the path that takes you to reaching that goal. Once that goal is reached set another and another and trust you will be happier and one never know that your goals may just help you to find success in doing what you love and are passionate about.
Tomorrow we will be looking at #3 Luck of Ambition To aim Above Mediocrity.
I started my business because I seen first hand how fear and a persons mindset can take over someone’s life and destroy it. I work with people who have fears. I help people overcome their fears, and help people to live a happier and loving life. Click the link below to join our Free Facebook group, it’s a safe place to ask questions and get answers on how to live your life in a state of complete and total happiness.- when you master your mind, YOU MASTER YOUR LIFE! You will receive thousands of dollars of knowledge that you will be able to implement immediately and notice an almost instant SHIFT in your mind and matter!