The Thirty-One Major Causes of Unhappiness — Reason #20
Lack of concentration of effort. The jack-of-all-trades seldom is good at anything. Concentrate all of your efforts on one definite chief aim.
I know we have all heard the expression, jack-of-all-trades master of none. There is a great truth in that. I know plenty of people who fall into this category. They can do many things but they never fully allow themselves to love any one thing to become an expert in it.
How often have you jumped from job to job looking for one that will make you happy? I was like that until I found what I love to do and now I do it everyday of my life with no regrets.
When a person is unhappy within their job they will have many jobs over a lifetime. The reason is they are looking for a job to make them happy. Yours happiness will not be happiness in a job that you do not love and have not put any effort into.
When someone starts and never finishes a job a feeling of unhappiness and failure sets in. The flip side to that is when someone starts a job and completes it a feeling of pride and happiness sets in. The issue why some people have a lack of concentrated effort is because we start to do many things at once and we become overwhelmed. We then become upset and our happiness starts to disappear.
I was guilty of this myself. I was a “yes” person at one time. No matter what I would say ‘Yes’ whenever someone asked me to do something. It could take most of my time and I would be run ragged. I became frustrated, resentful toward people who got to enjoy the fruits of my hard labor and I was unhappy.
Then I started to say “no” to others and “yes” to myself. I started to set goals and when I started a task I worked at it until it was finished. When I stopped taking jobs that I did not want to do. I found a way to make money doing what I love and that was because I started and finished one project at a time until I became the person who I am now and filled with happiness.
Don’t become a jack-of-all-trades and a master of none. Become the master of what you love to do and see how it will change your life!!!
I want you to take a moment and think about how the habit of indiscriminate spending will take away your happiness. That is what we will learn next.
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