Ill Health — No person may enjoy outstanding happiness without good health. May of the causes of ill health are subject to mastery and control, these are the main reason:

1. Overeating of foods not conducive to good health.

2. Wrong habits of thought; giving expression to negatives.

3. Wrong use of, and over — indulgence in sex.

4. Lack of proper physical exercise.

5. An inadequate supply of fresh air, due to improper breathing.

Let’s break each one down and see how by just making a small change you can actually become not only healthier but even a lot happier.

Overeating of foods not conducive to good health — We have all overate at some point in our life. For me its always happens at big family dinners. I personally love food, I love to cook for other, I love to eat food, I love the smell of things cooking, I love everything there is about food. And when it comes to the holidays and big family meals (that I always cook) you will find me laying on the couch maybe with sweat pants on and my belly hurting. Does this sound like what happens with you as well?

But we also over eat when it comes to fast food. We pull up or go in and instead of ordering that salad that in the back of our mind we know we should. We are ordering the Big Mac, Extra large Fries (because I love McDonald Fries) and a pop (I’m Canadian we call soda pop). We eat it so fast that we barley taste it because we are in a hurry to get to some place. You know what I am taking about we are grabbing five fries shoving them in our month chewing twice and washing it down with a big drink of pop and we can feel it cutting out throat as it is focused down because we are starving to death and we are on our way to take our kids some place. You all know what I am taking about because we see each other doing at the stop light every single day. And once the food is gone, we beat ourselves up for eating it.

On the other side of doing all that, when we cook a nice meal let’s say, honey garlic chicken breast, side salad, and vegs and we take our time and eat it slowly after we are done, we feel good. So, if you want to eat a bite healthier for yourself and your family here is what I have done so that we can skip the fast-food eating. I cook extra with each meal. I cook enough so there are leftovers that we can turn into something that we can take on the go with us. When I make the honey garlic chicken, I make enough to make wraps with the leftover salad and chicken. It makes it easy to take and eat on the go. I also look for healthy snake’s trail mix, frozen yogurt or fruit and vegs with dip. Not only will you feel better but you may also find that you will sleep better, have more energy and if need be, weight loss.

Wrong habits of thought; giving expression to negatives — Are you aware that the way you think had a major affect on your health? when we are stressed, we hold that stress in so many different areas of our body, from our cells, to our heart and in our minds. Let’s look at food if with every bite or when you are finished eating your feel bad about what you just ate you are actually hurting yourself. That emotion of negativity will cause you to store that food in your body and for most people that is why we have a harder time to loss weight even if you work out.

If you are saying negative things about yourself every time you eat something or you beat yourself up because you fall off your diet than you are allowing those negative though impact your over all health. If you want to be happier and you fall off the diet wagon, give your else some love and let that one stumble fall away.

When was the last time you though or spoke bad about someone else? How did you feel after? I bed you felt mad or upset. That also affects your health. It works the same as if you spoke nice or kindly about someone, think about how you felt. I bet you felt good about yourself and happier. The things we thing and say about ourselves and thought will directly impact our over all health. For me I find it easier to be kind and say kind things about others every single day as it makes me happy.

I fully understand that there maybe times when people upset you or you get upset and that is normal but how you react and how you choose to allow it to affect your life is up to you. You can choice to be mean back or you can choose to kill someone with love and if you do choose to kill someone with live it will change your life forever.

Wrong use of, and over — indulgence in sex — Sex is a powerful tool that we have. Some people are addicted to it. Other use it to get what they want and for the most of us we conduct sex in a respectful manner that we chare with the person we are in love with.

When we are addicted to sex or use it as away of getting what we want there is a guilt that comes along with it and we start to feel bad about ourselves. This is a sure way to be unhappy in your life. People are having sex to fill this void in themselves that in the moment is filled but comes at a cost after the act is finished. You will never find your happiness throw sex.

However, if you are having sex with someone that you love and you are happy in your life the act of having sex becomes more meaningful, more powerful and only adds to your happiness. When you have sex in this way it leaves you will a feeling a joy, happiness and connection. Unlike when you use sex because you are addicted to it or as a tool to get what you want.

When you abuse your body with sex you are hurting yourself. You can never find love and happiness in sex.

Lack of proper physical exercise — This for me is a must it does not matter if it happens in a gym or I go for a walk. I have to do some type of physical exercise everyday. Not only is it good for my health but it also helps to clear my mind and get answers to things that are happening in my life.

No matter the type of physical exercise you do it changes everything about you. You sleep better, you look better, your mind becomes clearer and it is one of the best self-care things you can do for yourself. If you are willing to do some type of physical exercise every day, I know it will change your life.

You are not happy laying on the couch all day eating junk food while ding watching Netflix. Because you start to feel guilty for doing it. But when you get out and do something you feel proud and happy.

Get out and do something not just for your physical health but for your happiness.

An inadequate supply of fresh air, due to improper breathing — It’s true mind baffling to see how many people forget to breath. When we are working out, when we are thinking, or even when we are thinking we often forget to just breath. We get so caught up in what we are doing that we forget to stop and just take a moment to breath.

When we take that moment to breath it changed everything. It brings down our blood pressure, it helps to clear our mind, and it only take thirty second to have it make all the difference in our lives. Here is what you do.

Breath in throw your nose and hold it for four seconds. Breath our throw your mouth and hold for four seconds. Repeat this five times. And I am telling you it will make a big difference in your life, your happiness and peace of mind. Just take thirty seconds and breath.

Next, we will be talking about unfavorable environmental influences during childhood.

I started my business because I seen first hand how fear and a persons mindset can take over someone’s life and destroy it. I work with people who have fears. I help people overcome their fears, and help people to live a happier and loving life. Click the link below to join our Free Facebook group, it’s a safe place to ask questions and get answers on how to live your life in a state of complete and total happiness.- when you master your mind, YOU MASTER YOUR LIFE! You will receive thousands of dollars of knowledge that you will be able to implement immediately and notice an almost instant SHIFT in your mind and matter!



Tina Donovan - Dare To Be Happy
Tina Donovan - Dare To Be Happy

Written by Tina Donovan - Dare To Be Happy

Dare To Be Happy is about learning how to live your life filled with nothing but pure love and happiness. You will learn step and a life style of living happy.

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