Tina Donovan - Dare To Be Happy
3 min readDec 14, 2020


This is a powerful book to read. This has helped no only to change the way I see the world but it is life changing….
Powerful Book to Read!!

Whopper # 1: God is a Him

I have been reading this book call e- Squared and I think the whole world should read it. The author is Pam Grout. On pg. 33 She talks about what people tend to believe about God…

I have always had an issue with the way the churched make us feel about our relationship with a higher power. I know there is a higher power but I have always had a hard time to believed that the church keeps everyone in a state of fear when it comes to the higher power (God if that is what you want to call it.)

I also have a hard time to believe that the higher power would be so uncaring and not want everyone to live a happy joyful life. I also have a hard time to believe that if we made mistakes in our lives we are damned to hell….

And that is what the church wants us to believe. Now I am not saying that we all should not live a life where we are kind to others. What I am saying is that just because we in our lives have made mistakes or had unkind thoughts in our minds does not warrant us to live in HELL the rest of our lives.

So in this book Pam talks about the Whooper we (people) have made up about God… I am going to write about each Whopper over the next 8 days and give my thoughts on each one.

“Whopper #1: God is a Him

Even though the progressive churches’ sometimes refer to God as she, the FP = IP(Infinite Potentially) doesn’t really have a gender. We certainly don’t talk about Mrs. Electricity or Mr. Gravity. The more appropriate pronoun would be it. The FP is a forces field that runs the universe, the same energy source that grows flowers, forms scabs over skinned knee's, and constantly pushes for wholeness.

God is more like the force in Star Wars, a presence that dwells within us, a principle by which we live. That’s why Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader have become such a phenomenon. Star Wars is a myth that speaks to us at a deep, gut level, Some part of us knows that “the Force’ is with us and that we, through our words, thoughts, and deeds, create the world. “ Pg 33 of her book

I tend to believe that we are God and God is us. If and this is a big if you believe in the Bible than you know that we were made in Gods image. So, my question has always been if we were made in his image that are we not part of him and he apart of us?

I have never gotten an answer to this question from any church and I probably never will. The one thing that I know for certain is that God is neither he or she. That the spirit world and higher power is all around us, if you are open to seeing it you will see it.

What I do believe is when the church keeps us in fear of going to hell if we walk a bit sideways once in awhile. I do believe that if we were not part of the higher power and it of us than nothing and no one would be alive to talk and fight about whos right and whos wrong. We are all correct in what we believe is true for us…….

In the end for me personally I know that there is a higher power and that we are part of it and it is a part of us. When we take that knowledge and start to look around we see all the magic this life has to offer each and everyone of us. The only difference is, is knowing how to create the world that you want to live in, using the help of the energy that is all around us.

Thanks for reading tomorrow will be Whooper #2: God Looks like ZZ Top. Makes black check marks after your name, and is basically too busy working on world hunger to care about you…

Feel free to contact me at tinadonovan@secreatwealthcreators.com



Tina Donovan - Dare To Be Happy

Dare To Be Happy is about learning how to live your life filled with nothing but pure love and happiness. You will learn step and a life style of living happy.